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This is from the sixth book of the Women In Love series, unfinished as of today.
ReplyDeleteI have just met the most amazing and delightful man. Not the man who is meant for me but a very wonderful man who reminds me of papa, who is the most exceptional man I have ever known.
My name is Lyzette and my papa is Claude Monet, the artist. I am in Sainte Adresse with mama and papa and papa is going to paint me standing here talking to Leon on the garden path overlooking the sea.
I am wearing a long white dress from Paris and I’m holding my yellow parasol over my shoulder. Leon is standing in front of me wearing a three piece brown suit with a spotless white collar and a grey cravat and a black silk top hat leaning on his black walking stick which he’s holding at a casual angle. Papa is sitting not ten feet away on the far side of the garden surrounded by flowers in full bloom looking at me and mama is sitting next to him several feet away under her white parasol. I can’t see her but I know she’s beautiful and I love them both very much and I know I owe my life to her.
The year is 1881 and I am still seventeen. I am French and I am a woman and even though papa’s painting was finished in 1867 Leon and I have been standing here on a bright summer day for almost fourteen years as the models for papa’s painting.
Centuries ago a Chinese poet said that to recreate something in words is like being born twice and I have been chosen to live a second time in words but first to wait my turn. For me that has meant waiting until now to leave Leon and Lyzette in papa’s painting to become myself, Galen Saena, an artist and a woman of the world
Soul Awakening is the story of three strangers, who are brought together by accident, or so it appears initially, but who ultimately discover that their unorthodox introductions were arranged by Divine Intervention. Dacque LaRose, the senior member of the trio, is the learned teacher who commenced an educational journey, ten years earlier, a month after the unfortunate passing of his wife, when her spirit appeared in their living room one evening with some inspirational advice for him. Already a casual believer in life after death of the body, Dacque eagerly researched the notion of survival of the soul and spirit after death, and his acquired knowledge led him to the possibility of reincarnation.
ReplyDeleteDacque joined the snowbird migration, within a year of the death of his wife, and sold the family home in Ohio and landed in the south in the small retiree’s-dominated city of Anywhere. His research after his move to Anywhere introduced him to an area group called the Reincarnation Enlightenment Group, and he joined up. One of the founding members of the Group is a certified regression therapist who, as part of her research in the area of reincarnation, offers Group members past life regression sessions for free, in her spare time. Dacque requested three regression sessions and discovered ten of his previous incarnations, as well as learning that significant individuals in this lifetime had played primary roles in his earlier incarnations.
With Dacque’s elevated understanding of souls, spirits and life on the-other-side there grew the realization that he was receiving communications from God, or more likely one of God’s messengers. It was messages from God that led him, in two separate incidents, to the younger members of the aforementioned trio of strangers. God first leads Dacque to befriend Dani Christian, an unemployed and depressed legal secretary who is not destitute but effectively alone in the city. Only days later, through a Divinely-orchestrated nose-dive into the sidewalk on his morning walk, Dacque is introduced to his rescuer, a Good Samaritan named Max Winston.
Over time, Dacque enlightens Dani and Max on his beliefs in the survival of the soul after death and reincarnation. Max and Dani obtain past-life regression sessions and they discover that their souls experienced a previous lifetime together that also included Dacque’s soul. Later Dani, Max and his parents uncover a series of earlier intertwined incarnations where they are descendants of their soul’s previous incarnations, and also discover some historical earlier incarnations that they never could have imagined.
Doug Simpson is a retired high school teacher who has turned his talents to writing. His first novel, a spiritual mystery titled Soul Awakening, was published in the United States in October of 2011, by Book Locker. Check it out at http://booklocker.com/books/5754.html. It is available in print and eBook format through most book stores around the world. His magazine and website articles have been published in 2010 to 2012 in Australia, Canada, France, India, South Africa, the United Kingdom, and the United States. His articles can be accessed through his website is at http://dousimp.mnsi.net.
Soul Journey - The Greatest Secrets To Living The Life You Want by Lisa Cherry.
ReplyDeleteThe book draws together a unique collection of real-life stories featuring extraordinary everyday women. I share their journey through life’s challenges and how personal discovery led to profound change.
From gaining insight into other women’s wisdom, explore how to find your own inner strength to conquer life’s battles.
This book is about you – and what connects us together. Seize the chance to reflect on you, your life, your aspirations. Learn to share pain, share the journey and share the celebration of self-recovery
Details of the Official Book Launch in Oxford, pre ordering the book and more about the author - that'll me then ;0)- can be found at www.lisacherry.co.uk x
Creative Exercises to Inspire is a small e-book with several different creative exercises to help you find your creative voice, or to expand your creative voice. Although the majority of the exercises revolve around writing, the author also has activities to build your creative side using music, art, poetry and dance, to name a few.
ReplyDeleteThe book is based on a month-long volunteer project in which the author used these activities to teach youth in her neighborhood summer program to help them tap into their own creative voices!
Creative Exercises to Inspire is available on kindle (http://www.amazon.com/dp/B005GVZFTO) and Nook (http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/creative-exercises-to-inspire-heidi-angell/1104881547?ean=2940013098701&itm=1&usri=creative%2bexercises%2bto%2binspire)
In my first book, Daily Spiritual Tools, I celebrate the existence of the divine in all human experience. “As humankind moves from a truth of spirituality “out there” to one of God expressing as each of us and in all things, the tools in this practical book help us accept that Truth and know it as our own. In doing so we help elevate others and our world.”
ReplyDeleteI knew intuitively that spirit existed, but without a religious upbringing I really wasn’t sure where to look. “What if we are able to find and know God within ourselves, and as ourselves, in the midst of the day-to-day events of our lives- work, parenting, paying bills, doing our best and our not-so-best, striving to understand others, and getting stuck as all people do?”
I started looking and began to find God wherever I looked. In my first book I share what I've learned from a lifetime of curiosity and searching for my own spiritual truth and provide short, simple, meditations or practices that open our awareness to the perfect and Divine order within all things. This book truly affirms and celebrates the existence of the Divine in all human experience.
Daily Spiritual Tools is available at Amazon
Daily Spiritual Tools, the Book
or visit my blog
Daily Spiritual Tools, the Blog