...The Man on the Clapham Omnibus
I watched today as you boxed your life.
Photos, files. The debris of long hours,
indigestion, extra miles. As you held back
words, staring angrily at spent youth, energy,
your time, grizzling away under your feet
until late nights, TV dinners, B&Bs with nylon
sheets and soggy breakfasts faded into grey.
Even the corporate dos and 5star hotels did not
glisten for you. Not then, forced mateyness
with strangers, ladder-climbing, back-stabbing,
Always measuring themselves against you.
And you, calm, content, effective and kind,
ready with a treat for the girls in the typing pool.
A birthday card for the receptionist, brief banter
about the footie with the porter. You knew
all their names, the teams they supported,
their favourite foods, their bad days.
Years of knowledge, experience shelved.
For what? High up in ivory towers, nameless
others picked you tonight for their victim.
Random, not personal. The greed of fat-cats plays
out its corrupt hand, shadowing your shoulder.
The thanks you get for loyalty, endeavour.
And I watch you picking your way through boxes,
a kettle, a couple of mugs. Your photograph
with the big cheese, receiving some accolade
for enabling him to get richer, quicker.
And I see behind your eyes, devastation, questioning.
Is this what it amounts to? All those years?
Your father knew. He learned it late too.

The greatest fraud. Not the tooth fairy,
or Santa Claus but that simple idea that
good honest work is its own reward.
Really? Did you see the news today?
Will there be a 'banking Leveson' next?: Labour's two Eds demand inquiry into financial ethics – Daily Mail 29/06/12
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